Are you satisfied with your nose? At least once in their lives, everyone has asked this question, and even though it is a small part of our body, the shape and size of the nose can cause a lot of insecurity and discomfort.
Physical well-being and the way we relate to our body aesthetics are closely related to our emotional side. With the spread of plastic surgery, many people today can correct appearance issues that positively influence the way they relate to other people. Check open Rhinoplasty technique (เสริม จมูก แบบ โอเพ่น which is the term in Thai)
The rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that seeks to get a nose look more in harmony with the face. Among the reasons for the surgery are the crooked nose, huge, pointed, wide, small, and asymmetric.
Rhinoplasty Procedures
Rhinoplasty is one of the most performed plastic surgeries. Anyone, as long as they are in good health, can perform the procedure. The surgery has both aesthetic purposes and improves breathing. It is possible to reduce the width of the nasal bone, correct the tip and profile of the nose, reduce nostrils and insert grafts to correct facial harmony.
The patient must make all clinical preparations with her physician to perform the surgery, such as a blood test and general health assessment. It is also recommended to fast for at least 8 hours before the procedure and cut caffeine intake for at least 12 hours before.
The surgery can be done in two ways: exorhinoplasty (open) and endonasal (closed). In exorrinoplasty, a small incision is made at the base of the nose, between the nostrils, and on the inside of each nostril. In the endonasal area, the incisions are only inside the nostrils. It lasts between one and two hours and can be done under general or local anesthesia with sedation.
In the postoperative period, the patient must remain immobilized in the nose, made with plastic material, and protect the healing process. You cannot sunbathe and must always sleep with your head up. To avoid discomfort (average effect), the doctor prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for the first few days. It is usual for some bruises to occur after surgery (purple), disappearing in the first few days.
A point of much doubt is the possible risks of this procedure. A nose job is performed and has minimal risk when performed on a well-prepared patient by an experienced physician. Ecchymosis (purple) and postoperative swelling are common, and in some cases, there may be transient nasal obstruction.