What Makes An Assessment Good?

An assessment involves evaluating your child’s development, including physical, intellectual, language, emotional, and social development. This can be done by a developmental assessment specialist or professionals such as pediatrician, audiologist, language specialist, child psychologist, occupational therapist, and physical therapist, and so on.

Some parents might get put off if it gets recommended their child receives an assessment. However, child assessment is normal and does not necessarily mean that your child has a problem. Child development assessment [การ ประเมิน พัฒนาการ เด็ก, which is the term in Thai] differs in each family. For an assessment to be proper, it should have the following characteristics:

Parents and professionals should work as a team

Parents must work together with professionals since they give the best information and evaluation of how their child does.

A team conducts the assessment

 Such a team fully understands the child’s behaviour, and they include a pediatrician, child psychologist, audiologist, and physical therapist, occupational therapist, and so on.

Observe your child in different settings with different people.

Your child’s behavior varies in the settings they find themselves. Evaluating your child in different surroundings gives you a clear picture of how he interacts, plays, etc.

Assessment should include every area of your child’s life

Child development is complicated, and for an assessment to be good, every area of your child’s life ought to be considered, including his strengths and weaknesses.

A proper assessment should feel like help

A child’s assessment gives a clear picture if the child needs help or treatment. A proper assessment of early childhood development (การ ประเมิน พัฒนาการ เด็ก ปฐมวัย, which is the term in Thai) is helpful, as the process enables parents to know how their child develops and lets them interact better with their child.

It doesn’t help to separate your child from you during the process.

Separating your child during the test can get him anxious, and this can have a negative effect on how he functions.