What Is The Procedure Of Reclaiming Impounded Car Through impounded car insurance?

You have your car impounded and you don’t know what to do. This is where impounded car insurance. It is not only beneficial but also saves a lot of money in case of some incident. Get it for yourself after comparison with other insurances that offer you a better price.

What Is The Way To Reclaim That Impounded Vehicle?

Once you get a notice of seizure, you will get some 7 days that are working in order to reclaim that vehicle of yours. In case you have not collected your vehicle within 4 days or have not even started the process of collection, you will see that the vehicle will be disposed of by the concerned authorities. You should take care of this aspect because if it gets delayed then you are more likely to lose your vehicle. Thus, keep this in mind while you have the days.

What Are The Requirements To Reclaim The Vehicle?

An impounded car insurance keeps the car safe from such impoundments but if you have it impounded then you will require certain things which are-

  •         You will need a driving license. You will have the paper versions of it as well to be included if there is a passport involved or EU/EEA photo card or even a non-EU/EEA which is along with an international permit of the driver which is supported by a passport or it could also be a piece of evidence that proves your immigration status as well as your arrival to the country.
  •         A proof that proves your identity which should be something that is valid and is in the form of a photo ID. It could be a passport, a national identity card of the EU, freedom pass.
  •         A proof of the ownership that you might have. The V5C logbook can be helpful as it will have both your name as well as your address.
  •         The MOT certificate will also be needed. In case the vehicle turns out to be older than 3 years then you will need this.

You should have your impounded car insurance and make sure that there is no fake information or any other irrelevant information that is incorrect because if found then that is a serious as well as a punishable crime.

A short-term type of cover or a cover that is temporary in nature is less likely to be valid impounded car insurance. You can talk with the operator and let them know of the policy that will help you in reclaiming the vehicle that has been seized.

What Is The Way Of Getting Impounded Car Insurance?

This is a very simple and quick process. You just have to fill out a form or even call the company and they will take it from there. You would just need to show the documents to prove your ownership. As and when the broker receives it, the policy will be made sure of.