Tips To A Better Posture: Dr Lauren Papa

Good posture is important, no matter how old you are. It helps your body feel better and it can help you avoid serious problems in the future. Have you noticed that older people who have good posture tend to be healthier than those who slouch? That’s because good posture affects everything from your ability to breathe and move around easily, to your overall health and well-being. Follow these tips for a better posture!

Use A Posture Pillow

A posture pillow is a great way to start improving your posture. It can help you sit up straight, keep your head and neck in alignment, and avoid slouching. If you have trouble sleeping because of pain or discomfort due to poor sleep habits (such as sleeping on one side all night), using a posture support pillow may be just what the doctor ordered!

You can find many types of pillows at most stores today–and they’re not all created equal! Some are better than others at helping with specific issues such as neck pain or backaches; others might feel more comfortable than others depending on personal preference when it comes down to it:

  • Foam-based pillows provide support but aren’t very soft; these might be best suited toward those who prefer firm surfaces like hardwood floors over plush carpeting because they’ll feel less pressure against their bodies while lying down on top of them compared with other options available today…

Stand Up Straight, Don’t Slouch!

Good posture is important for your health and appearance. According to Dr Lauren Papa this helps you to stand tall and look confident, which can make you feel more positive about yourself. Bad posture can also cause back pain or muscle strain in the neck, shoulders and lower back area – so it’s worth correcting if you experience these symptoms regularly.

Here are some tips for improving your posture:

  • Sit with your back against the chair so that it supports all of your spine from head to hips (this will help prevent slouching).
  • Keep both feet flat on the floor at all times when sitting down; avoid crossing one leg over another.

Set Up Your Workstation In A Way That Helps You Avoid Slouching

The best way to avoid slouching is to make sure that you’re working with the right equipment, says Dr Lauren Papa. If possible, use an adjustable chair and keep the monitor at eye level (about 18 inches away). This allows for good posture while working on a computer or laptop. The keyboard and mouse should also be in front of you, not off to one side; this will help keep your elbows close to your body. Finally, if needed use a footrest for comfort when sitting down for long periods of time!

Wear Comfortable Shoes 

When you wear the right pair of shoes, your posture will be much improved and your feet will thank you for it. Shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause pain in the feet, ankles and lower leg muscles (the calf). Avoid high heels as they force the knees into an unnatural position which over time may lead to back pain or even knee problems. 

Also avoid wearing shoes with a pointed toe as this affects how we walk by making us place more weight on one side than another – leading again to an unbalanced gait pattern over time which results in poor posture!