The Impact Of Technology In Real Estate Development By Mark Mariani Armonk

Real estate development is a huge industry, with billions of dollars being spent every year on real estate construction. Developers are often trying to make their buildings more appealing to potential tenants so that they can charge higher rents and generate higher profits for themselves. The trend toward new technology in real estate development offers a way to accomplish this goal by providing innovative solutions that are attractive to consumers and work well within the existing structure of the building itself.

What Technology Is

Technology is a tool that improves the way we do things. It can help us do them better and faster, but it’s not a replacement for people, because technology does not make decisions or solve problems on its own. Technology is an enabler: it allows you to focus on what you need to be doing instead of spending time on menial tasks that computers are good at handling, like data entry or number crunching.

According to property developer Mark Mariani Armonk, technology has been around since ancient times; for example, people have been using tools like hammers and axes for thousands of years. However, it has only recently become so pervasive in our daily lives that we rely on it without thinking about how it works or if it works.

The Use Of Technology In Real Estate Development

Technology is an innovative tool that can help developers better their businesses. For example, technology can assist developers in lowering expenses while also improving the quality of their products or service. Technology also helps to extend markets, which implies that it is feasible to reach more people without physically expanding and incurring additional costs.

How Technology Impacts Real Estate Development

The growth of real estate is significantly influenced by technological advancements. The following are some examples of how technology can be helpful:

  • Reducing energy consumption by making buildings more efficient and sustainable.
  • Reducing construction costs by increasing productivity, reducing waste, and improving quality control.
  • Reduced time-to-market by hastening the design process with 3D modeling software, which allows architects to generate virtual models of their projects before they are built. 
  • Improving user experience by introducing modern technology such as smart home systems or entertainment centers with huge displays for watching movies or playing video games into building designs. 
  • Improving building quality of life by giving facilities such as Wi-Fi connectivity so occupants don’t have to walk outside only to have Internet access.

Technology Is Influencing Building Design, Construction, And Operation

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the process of designing, constructing, and operating buildings. Mark Mariani Armonk believes that technology has the potential to promote sustainability while also reducing waste and increasing energy efficiency.

It’s no surprise that technology is changing the way we live and work. But what may be less obvious is how it’s also transforming real estate development: from smart buildings to connected cities, technology has become essential to creating more sustainable communities.


Technology is a potent instrument that may be utilized to enhance the design, construction, and operation of a variety of different types of buildings. It simplifies the management of construction projects from the planning stage through to their completion, enables more effective use of available resources, and opens up new avenues for working together.