Different types of refrigerators that you should know about

Refrigerators can easily be termed as the most important electrical appliance in the households of America. Imagining life without them is next to impossible for a majority of people. A lot of people find themselves in dilemma when they go out to purchase new refrigerators due to the variety of choice. If you also want to buy one for your home, make sure that you ask an expert in refrigerator repair Los Angeles as they can provide you with the best option depending on your needs.

The following are the different types of refrigerator that you can go for.

  • Top freezer design refrigerators

This is one of the most common types of refrigerators found in households due to its small size and efficient cooling. They are available in various sizes and it is perfect for usage in small households. They are divided into 2 parts, the one on the top is a spacious freezer and the bottom part will be used for storing other items. They are very energy efficient and are quite affordable as well.

  • Side by side refrigerators

If you have a small kitchen space, side by side refrigerators will be the perfect choice for you. These refrigerators have 2 doors like a cupboard and the freezer and the rest of the fridge are placed side by side inside the doors. These are not the best option if you are looking for energy efficiency and the freezer and the fridge will not be able to store items that are large in size.

  • Bottom freezer refrigerators

They can be easily called the opposite of top freezer refrigerators as the freezer in this design is situated on top. As the main fridge storage area will be more commonly in use, many people prefer this design as they will have all the items at their level. It allows for a lot of storage room in freezer block as well as the main fridge.