Tips To Help Your Child Learn English At Home

The little ones learn through sounds and intuitively through the environment. This is possible because a child is not concerned with grammar rules and vocabulary lists, for example. Therefore, being in an English language environment, it will be easy to learn another language. So, encourage your child to learn English at home. To find out how to keep reading this content! Check out tips to help you teach kids English (ภาษา อังกฤษ สอน เด็ which is the term in Thai) or your child learn English at home!

  1. Speak English Everyday

In everyday life, you can use several English words so that they become part of everyday life. To do this, use expressions your child already knows. Also, use words that the child has not yet learned to be encouraged to understand what you mean.

This can be done at various times, such as when eating, giving guidance, or responding to the child.

  1. Listen To Music And Sing In English

Music can be a great ally for learning English. And, of course, you will find plenty of English songs that your child will enjoy listening to.

In addition to listening to music, enjoy singing in English together. If your child doesn’t know how to sing the whole lyrics, start by singing small passages together. Soon, he will learn the entire song, and this could be a time of family fun.

  1. Play Together In English

Speaking of fun, a tip is to take advantage of playtime to encourage English learning or learn English for kids (เรียน ภาษา อังกฤษ สำหรับ เด็ก which is the term in Thai). This can be done, for example, through games such as the cordless phone, and the whole family can participate. Instead of creating a message in Portuguese, for instance, create a sentence in English. Pass the message in your child’s ear so that he repeats it to the next participant in the game, and so on. Thus, the child will have the opportunity to practice listening and speaking in English. Another idea is to invent word meaning challenges.

Each participant will have to speak an expression or word in English, and the other will have to figure out the meaning. These are just examples of games to be played in English. Use creativity so that, playfully, your child is motivated to wake up to learning English, agreed?!

  1. Use Games In English

There are cases where technology can be a great learning tool for children. The video game is one of them. Several games have the option of using the English language. There are even fun and educational game apps that can be found on Google Play for Android devices and the App Store for iOS. Thus, as it is a moment of entertainment, the little ones can arouse interest in the language.

Of course, it is essential to check the age group indicated for the games. It is also up to the family to assess whether this is the right time to introduce this technology into the child’s life.