Google and other search engines use its sophisticated algorithms to distinguish between good and bad content. Metrics such as grammar, white space, reading level, spellings etc. help search engines understand the relevance of a given piece of material. Not only that, paragraphs, comments, content sections and even keywords help them understand the intent, topic and expertise of content.
Creating Quality Content
As an advertiser or blogger, you may be interested to know if your content fits Google’s expectations. Use related keywords to improve your relevancy scores. If you want to rank your blog high, then, you can seek professional help from edkent media, a leading name in best SEO practices. Try incorporating topics or keywords into your content. This will help increase the relevance to the given material.
Focusing on Design
If you have money to spare, then invest it in your design. Great design can help increase visitor retention, page views and decrease bounce rate. It can also help to build trust and earn external links. All of it will contribute to higher rankings.
Creating Content Hubs
Only a handful of websites consist of just a single page. Search engines determine the relevancy and context of your blog not just by analysing one page but also by the pages linking to it. It is easy to rank high on search engines when you focus on creating content hubs, centredon a common theme while exploring several topics with insight and depth. Edkent media helps bloggers get high rankings by creating such content hubs for them.
Finding Your Center
Content hubs tend to be useful when they have a centre. The term “centre” here refers to a master document that provides a gateway to other individual content pages. It is the page of authority. It is often a category level page or a link bait page. The centre contains inbound links and serves as a landing page for other sections of the website.
Diversifying the Anchor Text
The natural diversification of anchor text happens when you link editorially and naturally to other contents on the web. The same holds true for internal links.Choose your anchor text such that it matches the content and not your primary keyword. The idea is to link internally with a mix of related phrases and partial match keywords. Linking should be done judiciously to be on the safe side.